29 January 2010

Catchin it up

Lets see...what has happened since the last post??

Another picturtastic one...

I did some more decorating.

Made cookies with Tre Bay Bay.

Took a bath and thought the bubbles looked like a guitar.
Dropped the wee ones off.

Got ready to go out.

Celebrated my boy Brians last party as a civilian
More drivin...

Got the kiddos

Drove to Wal Mart


26 January 2010

In the house...

I had such a homebody day. Usually I hate being home all day, but today went by so effortlessly, I loved it! I did lots of playing with my kids, lots of cooking...a little baking, and tons of decorating. I had a plain 'ol breakfast... deliciously greasy lunch.... blaze ass took-forever-to-cook dinner... and some bangin ass cookies.

This is my favorite pic I took today...

The lighting is just perfect.

There's more to tell, but quite frankly I'm about to fall over in my chair; exhaustion has struck, and I have to get up way too early for my liking mañana. Bath then bed.


24 January 2010

TODAY...the snapshot edition.

Did some drivin...
A visit to my Dad's where I checked out pics from his hikes he finally printed.

Home for lunch.

Drew Baltimore!!
Chilled with my girl.

About to relax.


23 January 2010

Slackin Ass Slacker

Yeah, I'm not keepin up with the Blog very well...soon I'll get back on the routine tho. GET OVER IT. Haha!


I have this feeling that I describe by saying "My fingers are tingling." It's the restlessness I get when I'm craving a physical art. So I either need to play the piano, draw, dance or fuck. All of which will temporarily cure the restlessness. I happen to be drawing (OK, well obviously I'm typing, but I was drawing and will continue to do so when I'm finished with my ramblings.) Hopefully I'll finish tonight and be able to post it; maybe not until tomorrow tho.

Ha! As I'm typing I'm listening to music...about 8000 tracks on shuffle. The song "Silly How We Ever" by thefiveone just came on and my son says "Yaaay! Is that GREEN?" I told him yes and said to my daughter "He's your favorite, right?" She replies "No, BLUE is my favorite now that I'm 4" LOL Apparently her tastes changed on her Birthday last Friday. Who knew.

Speaking of thefiveone, they performed [a great set] last night at the Loft Warehouse on NY Ave in DC last night for a Haiti Benefit show, along with Tabi Bonney, Chris Barz, The Golden Girl Tribe and more artists I'm too lazy to write. I'm so thorough, right? Ha! They raised $1K last night for Haiti!! LOVE.

Anyway, if you missed last night, don't fret, there's another Benefit show tonight at Cre8 Studio Gallery in DC also featuring thefiveone along with Chris Burns, Adrian Loving, Matthew Hamerlein, Laughing Man and others. They'll also be auctioning off art; I'm bummed I'm going to miss out tonight! It starts @ 9, and costs $10 or $5 if you bring canned goods. 100% of the proceeds go to relief for Haiti.

Alright, I'm hungry, and there's nothing worse than a starving artist who's starving....so PEACE.

Now Playing ~ Mully Man - I Go Harder (so much DMV Love in my playlist) ...Ok, I'm really done now.

14 January 2010

Tell someone you love them...

First off, and most importantly, please visit Yele.org and do whatever you can to aid the relief efforts in Haiti. My heart goes out to all the friends and family who are still searching, still suffering. It's endearing to see what sort of efforts have been and are still being made to help...on the contrary, it's sickening that you actually have to weed through charities to make sure you're not being scammed.

I can tell you, Wyclef's Yéle Haiti is definitely a safe route to take. Text YELE to 501501 to donate $5 Or you can donate different amounts by clicking here.

I found a few other things today for the relief:

♥AMERICAN AIRLINES is taking doctors and nurses to Haiti for free. Please call 212-697-9767
♥Text 90999 with the message HAITI to donate $10 (This is through the US State Department)
♥To donate to Partners in Health (which provides doctors, nurses and other healthcare) click here.

For those doing anything they can to help; you are the ones that make the world go round.

Secondly, Rest In Peace to another legend, Teddy Pendergrass. I can't believe I've actually heard people say "who??" when they hear about his passing!! Needless to say I've been singing a little Close The Door and a lot of Love T.K.O. tonight.

With every great that passes, comes a new.

On a positive note, future legends, thefiveone, have put out Webisode 2 in their series. So stop reading my blog and go check it out.

I'll talk about me later, peace.

12 January 2010

What is writers block?

I am tested...GOD DAMN am I tested. It's fine though, the more fuckery I encounter, the more I have to write about. Venting for me comes with little detail because I'd hate to waste a word in the air. I would just like to say that people, in general, are cruddy. This fact can only be made apparent by those closest to you. It's easier not to care, but if you do, sometimes....sometimes you get to feel warmth. We crazy humans deal with a lot of bullshit all for those few moments. I'm not sure if I want to understand, because I don't get it, yet I still feel the effects. Instead of writing about it, I'll go really write about it. If I can't escape, at least i can release.

Excuse me, I think I'm about to emotionally vomit all over the place...


10 January 2010


When the Ravens win, the air out here in Bmore is SO sweet! Sometimes I think nothing can excite me more than music, until I see a painting that gives me the chills...then I think it's just the Arts that get me all hot and bothered, until I watch an amazing football game that leaves me lickin my lips. (I fuckin love my Ravens!)

Anyway, I guess I've realized I'm just passionate about life, period. I respect those things that make life difficult as well, because without them all the positives wouldn't be so..well, positive.

It's so true that we appreciate life after being faced with death, we're excited for a win after dealing with a loss; we're living for all of life's little victories...which can only be made possible by life's little "failures."

The world is supposed to be united through all ups and downs... The little things, like winning a football game, bring so much joy and people become happy together. In the same token, negativity breeds unity just as easily, that whole sense of 'sticking together.'

I'll end the rambling by saying that, basically, tragedy isn't really tragedy; it's necessity. Though it's nice when we can come together over great things instead!

All I'm really wanting to say here is GO RAVENS. But I'm too verbose to have put it that simply. LOL.


08 January 2010

I'm FREEEEE, I mean...cool.

I'm working on some sketches for my mumsy's housewarming gift.

This is all I have so far of the 4 drawings lol


That would be my sisters' eye.

...and that would SORTA be me, cept it has much work needed.


My body is fucking KILLING me.
I need a full on rubdown.

Oh, and I BROKE ONE OF MY MCCOYS!! I could cry.

Ok, enough of this, back to settling myself in.

07 January 2010

A little inspiration

 What to say, what to say...um...The Five One / thefiveone

Man, I'm so EFFIN HOOKED on these cats.

Check out their webisodes here

Now I have shit to do.


02 January 2010


If I could inject music into my veins, I would surely be junkie.

I am fucken SICED to set my studio back up @ home...the withdrawal is extreme.

I really want to lay down this track, yet to be named, so for now I'll call it the resentment song...eh, it fits.

You can tell why:

"Mama, maybe if you showed me
I wouldn't be so fucked up.
Hey father, maybe if you loved me
then I wouldn't be a slut.
And daddy, maybe if you understood
I wouldn't be so tough.
But I'm grown now,
So maybe I should suck it up."

Issues=Lovely Art