14 March 2010

Set Ready, go.

My bro hit me off with a copy of the Gorillaz newest release, Plastic Beach. My overall thought: I'm lovin' it. I find myself going back to Superfast a lot. It's definitely catchy. I think what gets me the most, is the dramatic change between the verse and hook....I'm rockin, I'm rockin, head bobbin, then, boom! I'm chillin and smilin :) Good shit. I think I would have picked that track as the first single, but it was their second.

I know you like that shit.

Since I'm talking about the album, I'm listening to it as well. Melancholy Hill is playing right now...another favorite of mine. Actually, this is an album I could say many times over "ooh I like this track..."

Alright, you get it, so get it.

And while you're out there supporting the arts, take a moment to stop by Deuce Day World and pledge a little support of the monetary sort while thefiveone spreads their word on the road to SXSW. They'll be performing with Bomani Armah on Wednesday, March 17 at 12:00 AM at Opal Divine's Freehouse and again on Saturday, March 20 at 12:00 AM at Victory Grill. Anyway, buy the guys some lunch or something! I've said it before, there's nothing worse than a starving artist who's starving.

Speaking of...my tummys-a-rumblin. PEACE.

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