26 April 2011

Soooo hot. Want to touch the hiney.

This week I think its finally okay to say Summer is here! But who knows...the Universe has been fucking with us pretty hard for the past month or so. Its always unpredictable but...still, you know our species, we don't like anything that makes us feel out of control. #Bossy

That reminds me, my sis was telling me the other day how Cats speak to humans in the same voice they use when speaking to Kittens. I thought about it; wondered why. I quickly realized it's not strictly a Cat thing. I definitely put my "baby voice" on when talking to other species even  in their adult years, but only use that voice for a child of my own species. It seems all animals do this. Maybe we all have superiority complexes.


I wish the pools would open!

...this is what I look like when I blog.
Hmm, I need to make the bed.

Its weird how one can be so bored with so many things to do. I need anti-stubborn pills. Name me 50 activities and if none of them make my eyes light up, Im not interested. Cook me 100 meals and if none of them make my mouth water, Ill eat later. 

I wanna play football. Damn everyone and their day jobs.

Ah well, at least I get to work on someones car later. I always enjoy that! Im not sure why, but being under a hood, getting oil and grease all over me....its so satisfying.  Maybe I should have been a mechanic. Nah, thats definitely something I need to do on hobby status. 

I could never abandon Art.

Speaking of mechanics. I took my car to the shop the other day; I needed new wires for my shifter. I picked the car up the next day and my Coolant light was on. I lifted the hood to find that my hose had magically disappeared. When I went back to the shop I asked the guy if they for some reason worked through the top of the hood. "No, we went through the bottom" he told me. So then I had to ask "Oh, well how do you suppose you might have knocked a hose completely off up top?" With fake concern and suspect behavior he then suggests "Well lets go check it out!" So I popped the hood and he takes a peek. "Hmm, are you sure? This is just your return" At this point Im thinking either he knows nothing about cars, or thinks Im am idiot. I tell him "Nooooo, THIS is my return..." pointing at the correct hose. "...and THIS is where the other hose should be." He then begins to check out the radiator to see if the hose may be attached on that end, so I tell him " I drive a stick, so it definitely doesnt hook up there, it goes directly into the tranny..." He looks at me and says "Yeah, let me see if I can come up with that hose for you..." At this point he begins to insist I go inside to wait. "Nah," I sad "Im gonna stand right here and smoke." The mechanic then returns with Mr. Even-more-shady-mechanic, they both duck under the hood, and with the first mechanic attempting to block my view, (Im watching like a stalker,) Mr. Shady slips a hose out of his pocket and connects it to my transmission, then walks away. The other mechanic proceeds to shout "Hey! Here it is..." and holds the free end of the hose up. "...it was twisted backward, the clamp is spring loaded (no, its not) and must have popped off from all the pressure." I asked "14 psi would pop that off? hmmm." Not to mention, the dummies left the engine cover un-hooked in their attempt to be covert.

Assholes. Good try, but my tits arent big enough to render me dumb. I drove out of there with my hose, a new clamp and 4 liters of Coolant. (They were so ...nice... they even said they wouldnt charge me. "You can just get us next time." Ha!!)

Off I go.

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