16 October 2009

Fun with the tablet

Alright, well I did have a few pics I did on Facebooks Grafitti app, but after being up for a while they suddenly prompt for my username and password and won't show up. Stupid png files. I'll convert them and repost.

12 October 2009

One for Señor Colón

Soooo, for Columbus Day, here's a little throwback!!
This is me sitting on the Castle Columbus sailed from in Puerto de Santa Maria (Anadalucía, España) I've gotta make it back to Spain and check it out from an adults POV some time, since I was a kid when I lived there.

Otherwise...whats goin on...hmm...I'm finally getting this last project done on Surrealism, and Im CRAZY excited about the next one. I love doing video projects!!! YAAAY.

K, peace.

07 October 2009

Back on Track...

Alright, well I FINALLY got some surrealism books, so I have to finish this project I'm all kindsa late on...I have some catching up to do. Other than that, things are going well, work is good...my engineering student turned in the remainder of her lessons and I THINK my sickness is finally going away...I think. Stayin positive here.

Now, for some more oldies.

This first one is 4 friends (including my husband) writing a song once upon a time, I forget which song tho...but I sketched the moment. The second drawing is a bit unfinished. My boss from years ago asked if I would draw her grand kids...I quit working there shortly thereafter lol...I tried to contact her for about a year after that but could never seem to go into the store while she was working. Ah well, such is life.

03 October 2009

Ay ay ay ay....

I'm officially falling behind in Digital Design...I got all jacked up when the past few weeks didn't go even a slight bit according to plan...so all the free time I should have had never happened. To top it off, still carless! Ug! This is ridiculous! I haven't had to go w/o vehicle since I had my learners!! And of course, it happens after I move out of the city...so no public transportation out here in the county....I need to go to the freakin library.

...this is going to be an interesting month, I'm certain of that.

Well, I'll leave you with a sort of lackluster drawing I did once upon a time...

Ciao Bellos!